Please Note: Same-day appointments available!
Some services are still curbside, but clients are permitted in the building for appointments with the veterinarian.
- Masks are required.
- Pets scheduled for in-clinic appointments may be accompanied by no more than 2 people.
- Owners will be able to join their pet in the examination room for appointments with a doctor.
- Technician-only appointments for boosters, nail trims, anal gland expressions, and collection of laboratory samples will still be curbside service.
- Pets being admitted for surgical services or staying for the day to allow for diagnostics or care will still be handled curbside.
- Call the clinic when you arrive so you and your pet can be escorted into the building.
If you still prefer to wait for curbside rather than be in the building, please let us know and we would be happy to accommodate you.
We are not open on weekends.
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